Rambling discourse on the stupid things that keep me awake at night
Published on December 23, 2003 By threead In Philosophy
I am keen to set up a new more evangelical arm of the aetheiests movement to preach the no book message and allow all of those who dont believe in fairy stories to have our say. I am particulalry uninformed about most things and only really hold a strong belief that there is no god. What I need is intelligent people to fall in behind me , if we can get a nice modern round number (say 10) unapostles to support the cause and provide a basic understanding of the things I think I am refuting then it seems possible to build a bigger following and seek major contributions to the cause. Most of this we could I suppose give to good causes but I see no moral dilema in syphoning of a significant amount for our selves. If any one is interested could you write with a cv and reasons why we should all be aetheists (it has to be better than just quotting John Lennon) and I will then allow you to be in the first ten. It would be useful if one of the ten had a basic understanding of grammar and spelling.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 23, 2003
can I join?
on Dec 23, 2003
no - you are allready a member
on Dec 23, 2003
Pity to those who believe in fairy tales.
I'm with you.
on Dec 23, 2003

So you have faith that there is no God since you can't actually prove it.

So given the choice to believe in something or nothing you would choose something and show disdain to those who believe in something.

on Dec 23, 2003
the notion of being an AETHIEST is a funny one
the second that your car starts spinning on ice or starts rolling off a cliff you are sure to cry out to God
all you need is for some asshole to point a gun at your head, in your helpless state you will pray
or on a more simple level
you could have a child or some children and feel that you will not always be there to protect them
so in an effort to feel more secure, you pray for their protection
none of these work for you?
you go on a road trip
you are with some stellar riders
you hammer out 25 miles of killer singletrack with all sorts of drop offs and other fun stuff
at the end of the ride as you smile ear to ear
rinsing the grit out of your teeth you say, "God that was awesome!"

now I am not a very religious person
but I do believe in a higher power
perhaps that makes me spiritual
not sure

but as clever and fun as it seems to claim to be an aethiest...I doubt that you are
on Dec 23, 2003
I just want to warn you all who join there IS a God. One God alone. If you don't believe me explain how EVERY planet and star in the universe could be created by a large explosion. If you can't then allow me. It was God. I just pray that you all come to your scences (if that's how you spell it). Maybe you could stop hiding from the facts and accept the fact that there is a higher being.
Do you believe in evolution? If you do tell me why. I think I have enough knowledge on this stuff to defend creation.
Good luck anyways.
Capt. over and out!
on Dec 23, 2003
joy... i love religious arguments
first off, the problems religion has caused greatly outweigh the benefits it has given. Everything from the crusades, the jihad, the IRA, the middle east crisis, etc etc, can all be traced to one single source. A group of lower-class, uneducated ppl who can't succeed in this world so they make up a story to make themselves feel better, pretending that sum guy in the clouds mite reward them if they act a certain way... complete nonsense. Religion and the religious dogma it stresses has been nothing but an obsticale for the human race. It is a form of mass mind control that can manipulate millions of ignorant people to do wuteva the "leader" eg the pope, says. It is foolish to believe their will be a reward for u just becuz u act a certain way. i have studied the bible extensively and have found glaring holes in it's basic foundation. Which can be expected due to the fact that most of it was written by primitive ppl who know nothing of modern science. Religion can also be viewed as an inhibitor of human development due to its fundamental conservatism. When Copernicus first insisted that it was a heliocentric universe, the catholic church condemned him. Yet no reasonable person can argue now that the sun revolves around the earth. It is the same problomatic conservatism that plagues science today. Everything from DNA research to space exploration have been hampered and slowed down by religious people who believe we r going against god's will.
In the words of Niccolo Machievlli: One must be irrelgious, amoral, inconisderate, and ruthless to succeed in this world.
on Dec 23, 2003
Why that was just like a lot of bull. Man I thought you were going to prove me wrong or something. Maybe next time we talk you can achieve something but for now I guess we'll just have to asume you know what you're talking about.
Man, I wanted an intellegent debate on the matter at hand. I guess I was just being religious and slowing you down. I don't know maybe it's just me but I think someone just can't believe what he can't see. You do know that We breathe oxygen right? Yeah, I hope so I mean I don't want to try and sound educated because I only believe in the greatest being in the... well everywhere.
on Dec 23, 2003

Cornbread: Do you really want to put your position of having to argue that everytime we don't understand something we should throw up our hands and say "Magic!".

Do you know how television works? Many people don't. Maybe god is what makes television.  Just because we don't understand everythign doesn't prove there's a God.  At the same time, it doesn't prove there isn't one either.

on Dec 24, 2003
The crux of the issue is that all of you should listen to Brad. Just because you don't wish to believe in God is no proof that there isn't One. Further, that there is world-wide belief in God doesn't prove there is One. Further I'm willing to wager that all atheists who hit their thumb with a hammer either cry out "Jesus Christ!" or "Goddammit!"
on Dec 24, 2003
Cornbread: u look for an intelligent argument yet ur only argument against mines is "Why that was just like a lot of bull".... although this kinda response is quite typical from theists when faced with any type of reason.
on Dec 24, 2003
What the heck does that mean "just because there isnt a god doesnt mean there isnt one"?

Just in case you think I am being too flippant here are some quais sombre thoughts

There are three reasons why I am an aethiest (I am sure someone will tell me why they are related)

1. I dont belive in God
2. I dont want there to be a god even if my beliefs are wrong as I think the concept hasnt been at all helpful in fact its being pretty bad news all the way
3. The argumenst put forward for God dont persuade me: There seems to be two camps - those that look for some empirical or logical proof of his/her existence (but if we had proof then what place is there for faith) or those that say we can only rely on faith and just as in my daily life I put faith in people I trust because I have experience that they are trustworthy I dont think I could have faith in someone so obviously untrustworthy as to supposedly buidl the universe or which ever part of it you allow and then allow people to walk all over it in their muddy shoes.

As for showing disdain for those that belive in god - I suppose you are referring to my use of the term Fairy Stories this was deliberately blunt to make the point but if people can reconcile their own intelligent and logiacl view of the world with "the written word of gods" good luck to them.

And another thing (focusing on the christian faith as its the one I was brought up in) why do the stories in the bible have to be so bad -if god really created the universe can it of been beyond him/her to impart slightly more consistent, imaginative, engaging and moral stories (think lord of the rings or your own equivilant).

One of the stories that gets me is of Samson: Samson killed loads of men at a wedding because they played a practical joke on him: "so much for tollerence - anyway I need another 9 how is your grammar INC?

on Dec 24, 2003
that should have said what the heck does that mean "Just because you don't wish to believe in God is no proof that there isn't One".
on Dec 24, 2003
and another thing.............

I would be interested in your defense of creation

on Dec 24, 2003
Well threead, One thing for sure. You're going to have yourself a nice long hunt for intelligent people out there who do not believe in God because, quite frankly, there aren't any intelligent people who don't believe in God.
Brad? You sound like you don't know what you believe. You need to take some time and figure it all out.
Capt. Cornbread? Yeah I believe in the "Big Bang Theory" too... God spoke and "BANG" there it was.
Alot of people are in for a very rude awakening one day. But since the scripture says, "They that are ignorant, let them be ignorant," I will bid you good day and not waste anymore of my time. GCJ
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